“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way… As a man is, so he sees.”

Quelle: William Blake’s Most Beautiful Letter: A Timeless Defense of the Imagination and the Creative Spirit

Governing a technology that could shatter societies.

The movie director Christopher Nolan says he has spoken to AI scientists who are having an “Oppenheimer moment,” fearing the destructive potential of their creation. “I’m telling the Oppenheimer story,” he reflected on his biopic of the man, “because I think it’s an important story, but also because it’s absolutely a cautionary tale.” Indeed, some are already comparing OpenAI’s Sam Altman to the father of the atomic bomb.

Quelle: An ‘Oppenheimer Moment’ For The Progenitors Of AI | NOEMA

For further reading:


It’s 1965. Truman Capote was a known figure on the literary scene and a member of the global social jet set. His bestselling books Other Voices, Other Rooms and Breakfast at Tiffany’s had made him …

Quelle: How Truman Capote Was Destroyed by His Own Masterpiece

Was bedeutet es, Kreter zu sein? Und was hat es mit dem seltsamen griechischen Wort „Kouzoulada“ zu tun, das eine Kombination aus Verrücktheit, Leidenschaft und Exzessen beschreibt, die einzigartig auf dieser Insel sind? Nachdenkliche Einblicke in die kretische Seele von Nikos […]

Quelle: Die kretische Seele. | Radio Kreta

Firmen wie Open AI folgten einem radikal libertären Denken, das sämtliche politischen und sozialen Fragen ignoriere, sagt der Philosoph und Sprachforscher Hannes Bajohr. Die Diskussion darüber, welchen gesellschaftlichen Visionen KI-Modelle folgen, dürften wir ihnen auf keinen Fall überlassen.

Quelle: Künstliche Intelligenz: «Diese Ideologie grenzt an Sektenwahn»

Quelle: The Social Dilemma

Set in the dark underbelly of Silicon Valley, The Social Dilemma fuses investigative documentary with enlightening narrative drama. Expert testimony from tech whistle-blowers exposes our disturbing predicament: the services Big Tech provides-search engines, networks, instant information, etc.-are merely the candy that lures us to bite. Once we’re hooked and coming back for more, the real commodity they sell is their prowess to influence and manipulate us.

Dass es ein künstliches Bewusstsein geben wird – daran zweifelt der Philosoph Metzinger nicht. Doch was bedeutet das für die Menschheit? Im Podcast Ethik Digital spricht der Philosoph über Leiden, Digitalisierung und die Kraft der Meditation.

Quelle: Philosoph Thomas Metzinger über die Klimakrise und die Erforschung unseres Bewusstseins | Sonntagsblatt – 360 Grad evangelisch

Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.

Quelle: The Year of the Personal Website · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer