Governing a technology that could shatter societies.

The movie director Christopher Nolan says he has spoken to AI scientists who are having an “Oppenheimer moment,” fearing the destructive potential of their creation. “I’m telling the Oppenheimer story,” he reflected on his biopic of the man, “because I think it’s an important story, but also because it’s absolutely a cautionary tale.” Indeed, some are already comparing OpenAI’s Sam Altman to the father of the atomic bomb.

Quelle: An ‘Oppenheimer Moment’ For The Progenitors Of AI | NOEMA

For further reading:

The Best Science Books of 2012 | Brain Pickings.

It’s that time of year again, the time for those highly subjective, grossly non-exhaustive, yet inevitable and invariably fun best-of reading lists. To kick off the season, here are, in no particular order, my ten favorite science books of 2012. (Catch up on last year’s reading list here.)